Hello, my dear friends!

From the day, when my site was published, we had tradition to meet on Monday morning, after weekend.
But this Monday you're not received any news from me. I can explain it in a way, that my weekend was finished this night. Because in Kiev people celebrated Halloween from 27 October till 1 November. I wanted to go to the "Dogs&Tails" restaurant and to be Daenerys again, as I wrote in previous article, but suddenly I had high temperature that day, so that night I spent alone at home...

But on Tuesday I came to party "Satan's ball", based on the novel of famous russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

So, for this party I decided to be a witch!
It wasn't too complicated, because my grand-grandmother was a witch. So, I received some magic talents from her "in the inheritance". For example, I can heal headache, or, when I'm angry a lot, - I can make light bulbs to explode.
As You understood, this style was soooo close to me))

Party was in very mystical cocktail-bar "Witch-bar "Bald mountain"". "Bald mountain" - it's the name

of mountain, where hundred years ago powerful witches had their parties. People believe, that these places still store in themselves great power. There are 13 such mountains in Kiev. Some of them are totally destroyed, but one of the is still very popular, and knowledgeable people say, that this mountain has the same level of power, as Tibet.

Even real raven lives in this bar! His name is Voland.
The owner of this bar told me, that raven can choose only one owner for himself, and it can't live without him. In this case, Voland choose bartender as his owner. So, it's only one reason, why the owner of this bar, which wanted to lay off this barmen, still has him at the collective of employees of this bar.

I spent very good evening with my friends: panda and vampire!

All guests received a "prediction". One of my companion had one, that this evening he is waiting someone he loves (me) ;). And my prediction was "not to run in the footsteps of what's already over".

Very interesting prediction, I want to say. But I never runned "in the footsteps...", only pasts always runned by my steps...

And small funny movie for You, when I was almost ready to go to the party!
Do You like my style?

The end of the party brought to me a big surprise: they have tradition - at the end of party to choose the most beautiful and smart witch as a queen of the ball!

I wasn't expected to be chosen, because for taking a part at this competition, it was needed to make registration for this contest and to take a photo. But I was little bit late, because I spent too much time to be ready)) as always)
So, when they said, who are these 4 half-final competitors, I was sooooo surprised! Because, I was one of them!!!!))))
Do You like my style?

The end of the party brought to me a big surprise: they have tradition - at the end of party to choose the most beautiful and smart witch as a queen of the ball!

I wasn't expected to be chosen, because for taking a part at this competition, it was needed to make registration for this contest and to take a photo. But I was little bit late, because I spent too much time to be ready)) as always)
So, when they said, who are these 4 half-final competitors, I was sooooo surprised! Because, I was one of them!!!!))))
Next competition was "intellectual" - we needed to answer the questions about "Master and Margarita" novel. I was the one, who answered correctly for all the questions!
So, this stage of the competition showed two girls-finalists: me and another one very beautiful redhead girl.
Next stage was voting of guests: they had yellow flowers and they gave their flowers to a girl, which the wish to win.

And...I became a winner!!!!!!))))) So, I was the queen of Satan's ball!
They not gave to me a crown, but gave a witch's potion.
And how did You spent our Halloween? What's the most memorable?

Have a good last working days before the weekend!
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